Notification / OM No.
File No. HEC/SAD/DES/2024/30878
Notification Issued By:
Deputy Director Student Affairs Division, Higher Education Commission
Deputy Director
(Student Affairs Division)
File No. HEC/SAD/DES/2024/30878 09/Sep/2024
Name: Aamir khan Niazi
Father s Name: Khan Amir Khan
CNIC: 3830239217717
Subject: Equivalence of Master of Business Administration degree awarded by University of Sargodha, Sargodha
Dear Applicant.
With reference to your application No 30878 dated 27/06/2024 on the subject cited above, it is informed that University of Sargodha, Sargodha is a chartered degree awarding institution of Pakistan. The Higher Education Commission recognizes Master of Business Administration degree held by you from University of Sargodha. Sargodha as equivalent to corresponding M.S/P.Phil degree in the relevant field involving 18-year of schooling.
02. It may also be noted that admission in a university for further education and determination of suitability in relation to job requirement rest with the concerned university and employing agency, respectively and this Commission has no role in such issues
Yours faithfully,
(Abid Wahab)