Ministry of Housing and Works Shifts Maintenance Responsibilities from Pak. PWD to CDA and Estate Office-Notification

Notification / OM No.

F.No. 2(1)/2024-Admn-III



Notification Issued By:

Ministry Of Housing And Works, Government Of Pakistan




Islamabad, the 06th September, 2024.


F. No. 2(1)/2024-Admn-III. In pursuance of decision taken by the Federal Cabinet in case No. 229/28/2024 dated 27-08-2024, Ministry of Housing and Works hereby transfer the maintenance operations presently performed by Pakistan Public Works Department (Pak. PWD) (transferring department) along with maintenance staff (BS-1 to BS-13) and budget to Ministries,Divisions. Departments and entities etc. (transferee) specified below.

Sr. No.EnquiryTransferring DepartmentTransferee
1.All inquiries at Islamabad except those mentioned at Sr. No. 2 belowPak. PWDCapital Development Authority (CDA)
 2.Enquiries at Islamabad attached with Federal Lodges under Estate Office ManagementPak. PWDEstate Office
 3.Enquiries at Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta responsible for maintenance of Federal Government residential buildings under Estate Office ManagementPak. PWDEstate Office
 4.Enquiries at stations other than Islamabad and responsible for maintenance of Federal Government
office buildings
Pak. PWDMinistries, Divisions, Departments, entities concerned to whom the services are rendered

2.            The above transfer shall be subject to following stipulations:

  1. The transferee shall carry out the repair and maintenance of respective buildings subject to adherence of applicable government rules, regulation, policy and instructions;
  2. The maintenance staff at the respective maintenance enquiry(ies) and on the payroll of transferring department as on 31-08-2024 shall he transferred along with the budget to the transferee. Their terms and conditions shall be dealt with in a manner not disadvantageous than the one prescribed in Maintenance Staff Rules-2019 (non-statutory), promulgated by Ministry of Housing and Works under Pak.PWD-Code­1982 (Revised), unless and until the transferee may devise separate rules or regulations to govern their service matters with the approval of relevant competent authority;
  3. The maintenance staff currently posted at stations other than Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta shall stand transferred to the office of concerned Chief Engineer, Pak. PWD who shall adjust them to the enquiries to be transferredto Ministries, Divisions, Departments and entities etc. as per the Sr. No. 4 of table below para-I above;
  4. The maintenance staff of Pak. PWD shall be a dying cadre. There shall be no further recruitment and appointment against designations/ nomenclature of maintenance staff occurring due to retirement, resignation. termination or any other reason;
  5. The transferee, through its designated representative(s), shall take charge from the concerned Pak. PWD Division of all inventory, stocks, materials, tools etc. of the maintenance enquiry, in the manner laid down in pars-3 below latest by 30-09-2024. However, the non-availability of my record shall not delay the transfer of enquiry and staff and it shall be listed as record to be provided subsequently;
  6. The transferee shall be allocated funds of current financial year (CFY) surrendered from the transferring department subject to concurrence of Finance Division;
  7. The transferee in ;elation to maintenance operations shall have all rights, obligations and liabilities arising out of contract agreements and legal proceedings pending adjudication before any court of law;
  8. The transfer of the maintenance operations from transferring department to transferee shall take effect from 01-10-2024. The salaries of staff shall be paid out of the budgetary allocation of Pak. PWD till 30-09-2024; and
  9. Any ancillary or residual matter not covered in this notification but incidental or connected thereto the transfer, shall be submitted within 15 days after the transfer to the anomaly committee consumed vide pars-4 of this notification. The Committee shall submit its findings to the Secretary (Housing and Works) with 07 days of the receipt of the case. The Committee shall cease to exist on 31-10-2024.

3.         The transfer of maintenance enquiry from the transferring department to the transferee shall be subject to following procedure:

a) The Executive Engineer Pak. PWD of the respective enquiry(les) shall update the following record and make it readily available for transfer by 10-09-2024 and a report to that effect shall be submitted on the same day to zonal Chief Engineer concerned under intimation to the office of Director General, Pak. PWD:

i.          Human resources list of employees, personal film/ service books, advances recoverable (NBA/MCA etc.), disciplinary matters, leave record etc;

ii.         The pending employee related claims and liabilities of respective enquiry;


iii.        Stores: maintenance material, tools it plants, furniture, famishing items, dismantle material;

iv.        Documentation: General correspondence, Technical documents (Estimates for various works. Forms used for different types of stores i.e. Form-8, Form-13, Font, 14, Form-15), Complaint Registers / Complaint Books, Building inventories, Drawings etc.;

v.         Previous Audit Reports and Paras with updated sm.;

vi.        Measurement Books- Closed and Active;

vii.       Contract Agreements- Closed and Active; and

viii.      Any other relevant documents, material or item

b) The Directorate of Budget and Accounts (DBA) Pak. PWD shall designate and depute the Divisional Accounts Officer(s) concerned:

i.          To work out the allocated funds under the maintenance head of the respective enquiry from the second quarter of current CFY onwards i.e. Oct-2024 to June-2025;

ii.         To certify and stamp the service books of maintenance staff of enquiry(ies) on payroll as on 30-09-2024; and

iii.       To work out employees related and maintenance related financial liabilities of the respective enquiry(ies).

c) The Chief Engineer. Pak. PWD concerned shall convey the schedule of transfer by 11-09-2024 to transferee by clearly stipulating the date, time and venue where the transfer of maintenance operations, record and staff shall take place under intimation to office of Director General. Pak. PWD and Joint Engineering Advisor, M/o, Housing and Works;

d) The transfer of maintenance staff Mall be made on the prescribed proforma (Appendix-l) duly signed by the Sub-Engineer, Assistant Executive Engineer and Divisional Accounts Officer concaved and countersigned by Executive Engineer concerned and designated officer of transferee jointly. A copy (in original) shall be transmitted to all concerned including Joint Engineering Advisor, Ministry of Housing and Works, Office of Director General, Pak. PWD and Directorate of Budget and Accounts (DBA), Pak. PWD; and

e) The transferee shall designate officer(s) not below BS-18, under intimation to Pak. PWD within three (03) days of issuance of this notification, to take ova the charge of maintenance enquiry(ies) along with record, material mid items specified in para-3(a) above;

4.         The following shall be the composition of anomaly committee: –

i.          Joint Engineering Advisor, Housing and Works Division (Chairman)

ii.         Representative of transferee not below BS-18 (Member)

iii.        Section Officer (Works), Housing and Works Division (Secretary / Member)

5.         This issues with the approval of Secretary (Housing and Works)


Ministry of Housing and Works Shifts Maintenance Responsibilities from Pak. PWD to CDA and Estate Office-Notification
Ministry of Housing and Works Shifts Maintenance Responsibilities from Pak. PWD to CDA and Estate Office-Notification
Ministry of Housing and Works Shifts Maintenance Responsibilities from Pak. PWD to CDA and Estate Office-Notification
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M Sohaib Alim

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