Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government

Notification / OM No.




Notification Issued By:





CGA Complex, G-5/2,




September 24, 2008


In order to overcome the existing Accounting problems, the procedure for operation of Assignment account has been revised in light of the provisions contained in chapter 17 of the Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual (APPM).

2.         The revised procedure has been approved by the Finance Secretary. A copy of the revised procedure is enclosed for implementation w.e.f. 1.10-2008.


3.         A notification of amendment in Federal Treasury Rules (FTR 170-B) which was necessary for implementation of the revised procedure has been issued vide Finance Division notification No. S.R.O.(1)/2008, dated 23.9.2008 (copy enclosed).

4.         Any problem encountered during the implementation process may please be communicated to this office for rectification.

Director General (Accounts)


The procedure relating to Assignment Accounts has been revised. Features of the revised procedure are as follows:-

1. General Policy:

  1. The revised procedure of Assignment Account is applicable w.e.f. 01-10-2008.
  2. Assignment Accounts shall only be established with the approval of MoF in consultation with CGA.
  3. The request for Assignment Account will be considered on case to case basis.
  4. The funds in Assignment Accounts will be part of Consolidated Fund. Amounts remaining unspent at the close of financial year will appear as saving under the respective budget grant unless surrendered in time. Unspent amounts cannot be carried forward to next financial year.
  5. A separate assignment account would be opened for each project.
  6. The Assignment accounts will not be used for collection and recording of receipts.
  7. Availability of Funds, as authorized by AG/DAO, will be ensured before each payment by NBP.
  8. On receipt of sanction from Ministry/Division/Department duly endorsed by MOF allowing an assignment account in Form-A, the AG/DAO will authorize opening of assignment account at the designated branch of the National Bank of Pakistan in Form-B. The letter of assignment shall specify the following detail:

-Account name.

-The bank branch from where it shall operate

-Authorized cheque signatories and specimen signatures.

-Budget head from which the allocation of funds will be made. . -Any other condition for operation of the account.

  1. As per FTR 170-B, the authorization letter will be issued direct to NBP by the
    AG/DAO. The cheque book of assignment Account will also be supplied to authorized cheque signatories by the AG/DAO. A copy of this authorization will be furnished to Treasury officer for information
  2. Separate head of account for assignment cheques clearing account has been
    opened in the CoA.
  3. The Ministry/Divisions will authorized placement of amount as ceiling in
    assignment account in Form-C. On receipt of the sanction the AG/DAO will authorized manager NBP for the ceiling in Form-D.


i.                           The funds authorized for utilization through Assignment Account will be noted in the Appropriation Register by the AG/DAO. No expenditure will be recorded at this stage. The expenditure will be recorded in accounts on the issuance of cheques by the authorities allowed to draw on the assignment accounts. In order to record expenditure upon issue of cheque, the concerned DDO shall ensure that a copy of schedule, in the format at Annex-A,

is received in the concerned AG/DAO office on a daily basis (or as the cheques are drawn depending on the volume). This schedule will provide the expenditure coding detail for each cheque drawn. Following entry in accounts will be made by the AG/DAO on receipt of this schedule.

Dr       Detailed expenditure head (detailed function-cum-object)

Cr        G01191-Assignment Account Cheques.

  1. A copy of this schedule will also be sent to the NBP by the DDO. The bank will ensure that payment of a cheque is made after verification from the schedule.
  2. No schedule will be received by the NBP/DAO/AG after 30th June of the
    financial year in which a cheque is issued.
  3. The NBP will provide scroll with paid cheques of Assignment Accounts (local currency) to AG/DAO on a daily basis or as the payments are made. The debit on account of the cheques paid will continue to be sent by NBP through Treasury account as per existing practice. The following entry will be passed in treasury accounts by the Treasury Officer.

Dr        G01191-Assignment Account Cheques

Cr        Bank account

  • The cheques of the Assignment Account shall contain a code number (cost centre code or project code as per budget) which will be recorded by the DDO on all cheques. This code will be used for entry of paid cheques by the AG/DAO on receipt of paid cheques from NBP.

vi..                      The officers holding Assignment Accounts will ensure that no money is drawn from these accounts unless it is required for immediate disbursement. Moneys will not be drawn for deposit into chest or any bank account. A certificate to this effect will be recorded on the Schedule of Payment mentioned in Para 2 ( i ) above. The cheques for payments on account of purchases/supplies will be drawn in the name of contractor/supplier.


  1. The drawing authorities shall be responsible for preparation and submission of detailed object-wise budget estimates to the MoF through Ministries/Divisions for budgeting purposes.
  2. On a monthly basis, the NBP shall send a bank statement to the drawing authorities/DDO for the assignment bank account that it maintains.
  3. The drawing authorities shall be primarily responsible for accounting of expenditure on a daily basis. On the basis of this record and the bank statement, the drawing authorities will render classified account of expenditure to the AG/DAO on a monthly basis (by 5th of each month) and ensure its inclusion in the AG/DAO’s account. The variations, if any, will be reconciled and appropriate entries made to bring the accounting records up-to-date. Monthly/quarterly release of fund will be subject to reconciliation with AGPR.
  4. The drawing authorities of a project will also report project expenditure to the AG/DAO in form at Annex-B.
  5. The amount remaining undrawn against the authorized fund ceilings at the close of a financial year will be intimated by the NBP to AG/DAO in respect of each assignment account.
  6. The balance in the existing non-lapsable Assignment Accounts, if any, remaining un-spent on June 30, 2008 will not be available without its revival through fresh budgetary ceiling.


The drawing authorities will submit monthly account of expenditure with copies of paid vouchers to the concerned AG/DAO for post audit purpose by 15th of each month who will carry out 100% post audit.


  1. The above mentioned revised procedure will not be applicable to the existing assignment accounts opened for Self Accounting Entities (SAEs)/ departmentalized Accounting offices and to those accounts in which the government does not provide funds from Consolidated Fund.
  2. The procedures prescribed for the Revolving Fund Accounts by the Finance Division vide letter no F.2.(4)-B.S/2000-1146 dated 25.11.2002 will be amended later on according to this procedure to record expenditure relating to foreign funded projects.


(Sanction for opening of Assignment Account)

Ministry of———————–


No. ——————————————– Islamabad, the—————–, 200x

From    :           ————————-,



To        :           The Accountant General

Pakistan Revenues,


Subject:-                 OPENING OF LAPSABLE ASSIGNMENT ACCOUNT IN PAK RUPEE TITLED “—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–”.

Dear Sir,

I am directed to convey the sanction of the President for opening of Lapsable Assignment Account in Local Currency for———————————————- titled “——————————————————————————————————————————————————” at National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)—————–Branch, ——————————————-.

The above account will be operated jointly by Mr.——————————and Mr.———————–whose specimen signatures duly attested are attached herewith in triplicate.

It is therefore, requested that necessary authority may kindly be issued to NBP for the opening of Lapsable Assignment Account at National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)———— Branch ———————-.

The above account will be operated /maintained in accordance with the approved revised procedure circulated by the CGA vide No.

————————————————-dated ——————–.

The funds in the assignment account will be provided through sanctioned Current/Development budget grant.

Government of Pakistan
Finance Division
(BR Wing)


No. ———————-                                           Islamabad, the,—————, 200x.

Forwarded to Accountant General Pakistan Revenues, Islamabad for further necessary action.




Copy forwarded for information to:

  1. The Federal Treasury Office, Islamabad.
  2. The Deputy Financial Adviser—— Division, Islamabad.
  3. The Director General Audit, Federal Government, F-8, Islamabad.
  4. Project authority.

A.O (T.M Section) AGPR, Islamabad.


(Authority to NBP for opening of Assignment Account)

No. ———————————                                        Dated: ——————-,200x.



National Bank of Pakistan

Subject:-                OPENING OF LAPSABLE ASSIGNMENT ACCOUNT IN PAK RUPEE TITLED “————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-“.

In pursuance of——————————-Division, Islamabad letter No.———————————————-, dated —————– bearing Finance Division Budget Wing endorsement No.——————————— , dated—————–, you are hereby authorized to open a lapsable Assignment Account with the above title in the National Bank of Pakistan, —————————Branch at———————.

  • The Account shall be subject to the conditions annexed to this authority.
  • Specimen signature of the officers authorized to operate the Account jointly

by Mr. —————————————————–and Mr.——————————– are

Encl: As above

(——————– )

Assistant Accountant General/Accounts Officer

Tele: ————

Copy to:

  1. The Director General Audit, Federal Audit, Islamabad.
  2. Project authority
  3. Mr.———————- , DS (BR-II), Finance Division, Islamabad.
  4. The Branch Officer; Special Seal Authority, etc Local.



Conditions for Opening of Lapsable Assignment Account, in Pak Rupees, for Titled “————————————————————————–“.

1.         The revised procedure of assignment account circulated vide No.—————————————————————-dated——————will be followed.

2.         The account will be operated jointly by following two officers:

  1. Mr. ——————————
  2. Mr.——————————-

3.         The above account shall be lapsable at the end of each financial year.

4.         Regular accounts of the expenditure out of this Assignment Account will be auditable by the Auditor General of Pakistan.

5.         The above terms are subject to modification from time to time for better financial discipline.


Assistant Accountant General/Accounts Officer

Tele: ————————–


(Sanction for Placement of Funds in Assignment Account)


Government of Pakistan

Ministry of————–

Islamabad the —————200x.

The Accountant General

Pakistan Revenues,


Subject:-              SANCTION FOR PLACEMENT OF AMOUNT AS CEILING IN THE ASSIGNMENT ACCOUNT RELATING TO ———————– ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Dear Sir,

I am directed to convey the sanction of the President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the placement of an amount of Rs. ———— (Rupees —————————————only) in the assignment account titled ————————————————————————————————————————- as ceiling for the quarter/month —————– of the current financial year 200x-200x.

2.                            It is requested that the Manager National Bank of Pakistan ——————————————-Branch ————————- may be advised to arrange payment against above mentioned ceiling of Rs.———————.on the receipt of cheque and prescribed schedule of payment duly signed by the authorized signatories of the account.

3.                            The above assignment of funds has been made against budgetary allocation in Grant No.——————————————————————————–Cost centre ———– bearing Function-cum-Object Classification ————————————————————————————————————————- ——————————————————————————————————————————–for the year 200x-200x to which the expenditure may be debited in accounts.

Yours faithfully,

Name ——————————-


Tel. ——————


Government of Pakistan

Finance Division

(FA’s Organization

Islamabad the —————200x


(FORM T.R. 11 B.)

(See Rule 170 B.)

Office of the Accountant General

Pakistan Revenues ————–

No.                                                                                                                                          Dated the …………….


The Manager

National Bank of Pakistan


Sub:-                      AUTHORISATION FOR PLACEMENT OF FUNDS IN ASSIGNMENT ACCOUNT No. ———– TITLED …………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………..


In pursuance of Govt. of Pakistan Ministry of ………………………………………….sanction letter No……………………….. dated ………………duly endorsed by the Finance Division vide their No. ………………. dated ……………, you are hereby authorized to arrange payments upto a ceiling of Rs. ……….. (Rupees………………………only) from the assignment account titled “…………………………………………………….” allowed for the quarter/ month…………..of the current financial year 200x-0x.

2.                            The amounts may be paid on receipt of assignment account cheques signed by the authorized signatories of the account after verification from the schedule of cheques received in the banks.

3.                            The above authorization of funds has been made against budgetary allocation in Grant No….…………… Cost Centre…………… bearing Function–cum– Object classification……………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………..….. for the year 200x-0x to which expenditure is debitable in accounts.

4.                            The paid cheques with a copy of the scroll may be provided to this office on next working day. The debit on account of paid cheques may be passed on through daily accounts to the Treasury/DAO as per existing practice. 

5.                            Re-imbursement for such payments will be made by the State Bank of Pakistan on receipt of claim from the Head Office of the National Bank of Pakistan.

6.                            The Assignment Account will be maintained only to keep a record of withdrawals out of them by their authorized officer and no receipts will be creditable to the said Account.

7.                            The amount remaining un-utilized at the close of the financial year would lapse. It is, therefore, requested that the amount remaining un-utilized on the 30th June each year may be intimated to this office immediately after the close of financial year. The amount remaining un-utilized may be determined after providing for cheques already issued before the close of the year as per schedule of cheques received by 30th June.

8.                            Please acknowledge receipt.



No.                                                                                                                               Dated the ………………………………

Copy forwarded to ………………………………………………………………………………….. for information and necessary action.

The authorization made in the above letter is subject to the condition that no moneys would be drawn from the assignment account unless they are required for immediate disbursement. No cash shall be drawn from an Assignment Account except for imprest and in such limit as will be sanctioned by the Finance Division.



Copy forwarded to Manager, State Bank of Pakistan, ………………..……………….for information and necessary action.





Serial No: ________                                                                                            Date: _____________

(Pre Numbered)

Name of Deptt and DDO:              _______________________________________

Assignment A/c Name and No:   _______________________________________

Cost Center                                        _______________________________________

Project Description                          _______________________________________

Project Code                                      _______________________________________

SUB-Detailed Function                   _______________________________________

Grant No                                              _______________________________________

Serial No.Cheque NoDate of ChequePayee NameAmount (Rs)Detailed Object Code


It is certified that money being drawn through above cheque/cheques is required for immediate disbursement and will not be kept in any bank account.

DDO’s Signatures and /stamp




Βrief description of the project: ——————————————————

Current Year           Previous Year

• Budget for the project

• Expenditure during the month

• Progressive expenditure during the year

• Upto-date expenditure since beginning of the project.

DDO’s Signatures and stamp






Islamabad, the 23rd September, 2008


S.R.O. (1)/2008:- In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 79 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the President is please to direct that the following further amendments shall be made in the Treasury Rules of the Federal Government, namely:-

In the aforesaid Rules, in rule after rule 170-A, the following new rule shall inserted, namely:-

170-B. (1) When funds are released through an assignment account at a branch of the National Bank of Pakistan, the Accountant General shall issue a letter of assignment in Form T.R.11-B to the Manager National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) endorsing a copy thereof to the DAO/Treasury Officer and Manager, State Bank, in whose area the account is opened.

(2) The letter of assignment issued to the National Bank of Pakistan shall inter alia specify the maximum amount up to which the authorized officer shall have the authority to draw on the account, the head of the account to which the amounts are debitable and the section of accounts, whether Federal or Provincial, within which assignment account shall be opened.

(3) The National Bank of Pakistan, on receipt of letter of assignment, shall open the assignment account in favour of the authorized officer of the Government Department or a local body or an autonomous body at the branch of the National Bank of Pakistan, as may be specified therein, to cash, without the intervention of the AG/DAO, the Cheques presented by the authorized officer within limits specified in the letter of assignment. The National Bank of Pakistan shall ensure that payment of assignment cheque is made after verification from the schedule provided by the authorized officer in form T.R.11-C. The assignment account at the National Bank of Pakistan branches shall be within the Federal Government account and the drawings there-from shall be adjusted against the Federal balance with State Bank of Pakistan.

The branch of the National Bank of Pakistan making payment on the basis of the assignment Cheques will send the paid Cheques with a scroll showing particulars of payments to the AGPR/DAO on the next working day. The debit on account of paid Cheques will be sent to Treasury Officer/DAO along with other instruments/vouchers. The paying branch of the National Bank of Pakistan will advise these payments to their Government Account Section at their Head Office, Karachi, in the same manner as they advise to it the figures of other Government receipts and Payments effected at this branch on a particular day. The Head Office, Karachi will advise these figures of payments to the Central Accounts Section (Accounts Department), State Bank of Pakistan, Central Directorate, Karachi through its daily statement of Government receipts and payments where the amount of such payments will be debited to the account of the Federal Government per contra credit to the National Bank of Pakistan account. However, at places where State Bank of Pakistan offices exist, the branches of the National Bank of Pakistan, making payment of the assignment Cheques, shall obtain re-imbursement against such payments through their main branches at those places from the State Bank of Pakistan’s respective office.

(4). The authorized officer or officer nominated by him on his behalf shall be supplied, by the AGPR/DAO, with cheque books, duly subscribed with ‘Assignment Account Cheque’ and no amount shall be drawn on Cheques other than those issued by AGPR/DAO. Provided that in cases requiring remittance in foreign currency, where rupee equivalent cannot be predetermined, the National Bank of Pakistan shall, on receipt of an authority letter duly embossed with the special seal of the authorized officer, arrange remittance against the balance in the Assignment Account, through the authorized foreign exchange dealer and intimate the amount in Pak Rupees charged to such account to the authorized officer on each occasion.

(5). No receipts shall be tendered for credit to the assignment accounts.

(6) No cash shall be drawn from an assignment account except for imprest and in such limit as will be sanctioned by the Finance Division.

7. No money shall be drawn from the Assignment Account unless it is required for immediate disbursement.

8. It shall not be permissible to draw the whole amount authorized or part thereof and to place it in a separate account at the treasury or in a commercial bank.

9. The advice in an assignment account, the drawal and the balance shall be reconciled every month by the authorized officer with the NBP.

10. The unspent cash balances, out of releases from Federal Consolidated Fund, lying either in PLA/SDA or in Commercial Bank shall be deposited back to Government Account in a manner and within a time frame to be decided by Finance Division.

11. This rule shall not be applicable to the existing assignment account opened for Self Accounting Entities (SAEs) Departmentalized Accounting Offices and to those accounts in which the Government does not provide funds from Consolidated Fund which shall continue to be governed under Rule 170-A.

Explanation:- In this rule the expression “Treasury Officer” means an officer in whose favour the letter of assignment is issued and includes a District Accounts Officer.



Deputy Secretary (Exp)

The Manager,

Printing Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.,


Copy forwarded for information to:-

1. The Auditor General of Pakistan, Audit House Islamabad.

2. The Controller General of Accounts, Islamabad.

3. The Collector, Federal Treasury Office, Islamabad.


Deputy Secretary (Exp)

(FORM T.R. 11 B.)

(See Rule 170 B.)

Office of the Accountant General

Pakistan Revenues ———————–

No.                                                                                                                                Dated the …………..…


The Manager

National Bank of Pakistan


Sub:-                     AUTHORISATION FOR PLACEMENT OF FUNDS IN ASSIGNMENT ACCOUNT No. ———– TITLED …………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………….

In pursuance of Govt. of Pakistan Ministry of …………………………………………………sanction letter No……………………….. dated ………………duly endorsed by the Finance Division vide their No. ………………. dated ……………, you are hereby authorized to arrange payments upto a ceiling of Rs. ……….. (Rupees………………………only) from the assignment account titled “…………………………………………………….” allowed for the quarter/ month…………..of the current financial year 200x-0x.

2.            The amounts may be paid on receipt of assignment account cheques signed by the authorized signatories of the account after verification from the schedule of cheques received in the banks.

3.            The above authorization of funds has been made against budgetary allocation in Grant No……… Cost Centre……….. bearing Function–cum– Object classification……………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….. for the year 200x-0x to which expenditure is debitable in accounts.

4.            The paid cheques with a copy of the scroll may be provided to this office on next working day. The debit on account of paid cheques may be passed on through daily accounts to the Treasury/DAO as per existing practice.

5.            Re-imbursement for such payments will be made by the State Bank of Pakistan on receipt of claim from the Head Office of the National Bank of Pakistan.

6.            The Assignment Account will be maintained only to keep a record of withdrawals out of them by their authorized officer and no receipts will be creditable to the said Account.

7.            The amount remaining un-utilized at the close of the financial year would lapse. It is, therefore, requested that the amount remaining un-utilized on the 30th June each year may be intimated to this office immediately after the close of financial year. The amount remaining un-utilized may be determined after providing for cheques already issued before the close of the year as per schedule of cheques received by 30th June.

8.            Please acknowledge receipt.



No.                                                                                                                         Dated the ……………….

Copy forwarded to …………………………………………………………………….. for information and necessary action.

The authorization made in the above letter is subject to the condition that no moneys would be drawn from the assignment account unless they are required for immediate disbursement. No cash shall be drawn from an Assignment Account except for imprest and in such limit as will be sanctioned by the Finance Division.



Copy forwarded to Manager, State Bank of Pakistan, ………….for information and necessary action.





Serial No: ________                                                                                           Date: _____________

(Pre Numbered)

Name of Deptt and DDO:              _______________________________________

Assignment A/c Name and No:   _______________________________________

Cost Center                                        _______________________________________

Project Description                          _______________________________________

Project Code                                      _______________________________________

SUB-Detailed Function                   _______________________________________

Grant No                                              _______________________________________

Serial No.Cheque NoDate of ChequePayee NameAmount (Rs)Detailed Object Code


It is certified that money being drawn through above cheque/cheques is required for immediate disbursement and will not be kept in any bank account.

DDO’s Signatures and /stamp

Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government
Revised Procedure For Operation Of Assignment Accounts Of Federal Government

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Picture of M Sohaib Alim

M Sohaib Alim

Senior article writter

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