Notification / OM No.
No. SO (I&C)-3(1)/2023
Notification Issued By:
Chief Minister’s Secretariat, Government of Gilgit-Baltistan
No. SO (I&C)-3(1)/2023
Government of Gilgit-Baltistan
Chief Minister’s Secretariat
Gilgit dated 2nd September, 2024
The Chief Secretary,
I am directed to refer to the above subject and to say that in pursuance of decision of the GB Cabinet made in its 12th meeting held on August, 19, 2024, the S&GAD and Cabinet Department has notified the following committee to review the existing recruitment policy, contract appointment, waiting policy etc. and present recommendations to the GB Cabinet:-
- Senior Minister for Finance GB.
- Senior Minister for Law and Tourism GB.
- Minister for P&DD GB
- Secretary S&GAD and Cabinet GB
2.       In light of the above, the competent authority has desired that all recruitment processes across Gilgit-Baltistan be suspended until the committee completes its review and submits its findings/recommendations regarding the recruitment policy. Any scheduled tests or interviews may also be postponed until the recruitment policy is finalized.
3.  It is, therefore, requested that necessary instructions may kindly be passed to all Administrative Secretaries/HoDs, accordingly.
Section Officer (I&C)