Restrictions Imposed in Lahore and Multan to Combat Smog Crisis – Notification

Notification / OM No.

No. 128/DG/EPA/2024



Notification Issued By:


No. 128/DG/EPA/2024




Dated: 15.11.2024





WHEREAS, Government of Punjab is striving hard to control all possible intrinsic factors which cause air pollution and deteriorate quality of ambient air. Pre-eruptive measures against all the sources of air pollution have already been started by EPA as well as other departments concerned.

2.                                 AND WHEREAS, as per Section 2(xxxiii) of The Punjab Environmental Protection Act 1997, pollution means the contamination of air, land or water by the discharge or emission of effluents or wastes or air pollutants or noise or other mailer which either directly or indirectly or in combination with other discharges or substances alters unfavorably the chemical, physical, biological, radiation, thermal or radiological or aesthetic properties of the air, land or water or which may, or is likely to make the air, land or water unclean, noxious or impure or injurious, disagreeable or detrimental to the health, safety, welfare or property of persons or harmful to biodiversity

3.                               AND WHEREAS the Health Advisory System for Critical Air Pollution Events (HAS-CAPEs) has been notified on 13.12.2022 under which the 1st meeting of Provincial CAPEs Committee (PCC) was held on 21.10.2024 which declared i.hat Critical Air Pollution Event has taken place in Lahore. Subsequently the Critical Air Pollution Events have also taken place in districts of Faisalabad, Multan and Gujranwala in last week. The average AQI of these districts has crossed the critical limit of 500 which is alarmingly hazardous for human health and wellbeing. Likewise, reports are being received that an unprecedented rise in the number of patients with lungs and respiratory diseases, allergies, eye and throat irritation is being observed in these districts. The spread of conjunctivitis / pink eye disease due to bacterial or viral infection, smoke, dust or chemical exposure is posing a serious and imminent threat to public health. Hence, it is mandatory to take all necessary measures for prevention and control of these diseases in the said districts.


4.                                 AND WHEREAS, the competent authority has decided to order the following steps, as health emergency, to be taken to ensure health & safety or general public in Districts of Lahore and Multan:

a)                   All types of leaves or health and paramedics stall shall be cancelled

b)                   OPDs in all government hospitals shall remain open till 08:00 pm

c)               Special counters for smog related diseases shall be established in all government and private hospitals

d)                  Rescue 1122 shall establish a system to prioritize the calls related to smog diseases

e)               Health department shall ensure adequate supply of requisite medicines relating to smog related diseases

5.                                AND WHEREAS, the said situation is likely to prevail for a few weeks due to the current weather phenomenon in which thick polluted air is likely to remain trapped near the ground clue to temperature inversion and negligible wind speed. In addition, the local pollution contributing factors, especially vehicular emissions and fugitive dust, may further exacerbate the said conditions. Hence, the situation warrants to reduce the number of vehicles on roads and restrict construction activities in order to control air pollution and subsequent adverse impacts on health of general public,

6.                               AND WHEREAS, Section 6(1) (t) of the ibid Act empowers EPA to lake or cause to be taken all necessary measures for the protection, conservation, rehabilitation and improvement of the environment, prevention and control of pollution and promotion of sustainable development;

7.                          NOW, THEREFORE, I, Dr. lmran Hamid Sheikh (PAS), Director General, Environmental Protection Agency, Punjab in exercise of the powers conferred upon me u/s 6(1) (t) of the Punjab Environmental Protection Act, 1997, do hereby order the following restrictions to be imposed.

i.          All the Colleges and Universities in the territorial jurisdiction of District Lahore and Multan shall remain closed and shill to online mode;

ii.             The previous order No. 123/DG/EPA/2024 dated 12.11.2024 regarding closure and shilling of schools to online system is extended till 24.11.2024 except in the territorial jurisdiction of District Murree:

iii.         Complete ban on construction activities in the territorial jurisdiction of District Lahore and Multan except for projects of national importance being executed from public exchequer:

iv.           Complete tan on entry of HTV (heavy transport vehicles) in District Lahore and Multan. The followings HTVs shall be exempted from the said ban:

a.             The Heavy Transport Vehicles (HTVs) carrying fuel, medicines, hospital & food supply items, having valid VICS certification,

b.             The passenger buses, having valid VICS certification.

c.         Emergency vehicles such as Ambulances, fire brigades, vehicles of Rescue 1122, Police and Prisons vehicles.

d.            Government vehicles with valid VI CS certification

v.            Complete ban on operation of Brick Kilns and furnace-based industry in District Lahore and Multan:

vi.        Complete ban on dine-In (including eatery in car-parking) and services in restaurants after 4:00 pm and takeaway after 8:00 pm in territorial jurisdiction of District Lahore and Multan:

8.             The following sectors are exempted from these restrictions:

a)         Pharmacies/ Medical Stores, Medical Facilities and Vaccination Centers, Petrol Pumps, Oil Depots, Tendoors, Atta Chakkies, Milk Dairy Shops, E-commerce / Call Centers/ Postal/ Courier Services and Utility Services (Electricity, Natural Gas, Internet, Cellular Networks / Telecom /Passport and NADRA centers.)

b)         Large departmental stores will ally keep their pharmacy sections open while all others sections will remain closed after closing timings.

c)         Officials of Government departments on duty duly notified by respective departments

d)         Facilities and stall minted to emergency services, Health Services including Hospitals, Clinics, Laboratories collection points and Medical stores.

e)         Officials related lo Law Enforcement Agencies.

f)             Necessary/ unavoidable religious riles like the last riles, Namaz-e-Janaza, burial and related events

g)         Utility Companies: WASAs, Municipalities, NTDC. DISCOs and SNGPL.

h)       Any exemption that may be deemed necessary by the Deputy Commissioner of the concerned district

9.                    This order shall come into force with effect from 16th November, 2024 (Saturday) in the territorial jurisdiction of District Lahore and  Multan, and shall remain in force till 24th November, 2024 (Sunday).

10.                       Any contravention to this order shall be punished U/S 188 PPC.

issued under my hand and seal on this 15th day of November, 2024.


Restrictions Imposed in Lahore and Multan to Combat Smog Crisis - Notification

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Picture of M Sohaib Alim

M Sohaib Alim

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