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Government of Sindh Issues Minutes of Education Meeting: STR, Recruitment, and Policy Updates–Notification

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School Education & Literacy Department, Government Of Sindh

Sindh Education Department Sets New Milestones in Education Reform:

The Government of Sindh, through the School Education & Literacy Department, recently held a high-level meeting under the chairmanship of the Honourable Minister for Education. The meeting, attended by Directors of Schools Education and District Education Officers (DEOs), focused on several crucial issues impacting the education sector, including recruitment updates, book distribution, student-teacher ratio (STR) adjustments, and pending disciplinary proceedings.

During the discussion, progress was reviewed, challenges were identified, and key directives were issued to ensure efficient implementation of policies across all districts. A major highlight of the meeting was the extension of the waiting period for PST and JEST recruitment, ensuring transparency and inclusivity in hiring. Additionally, significant emphasis was placed on timely book distribution, school census verification with NADRA, and the expansion of the tree plantation initiative in schools.

To keep educators, students, and stakeholders informed, here are the official minutes of the meeting, detailing the key discussions and decisions made by the Honourable Minister for Education.


Karachi, dated the 06th March, 2025


1.            The Chief Program Manager (RSU).


2.            The Director General (M&E), Schools Education & Literacy Department.

3.            The Directors Schools Education (ES&HS/Primary), (all) School Education & Literacy Department.

4.            The District Education Officer (ES&HS/Primary), (all) School Education & Literacy Department.



                              I am directed to forward herewith minutes of meeting held on 21st February, 2025 under the chairmanship of Honourable Minister Education on different agendas with all Directors and District Education Officers in the Auditorium of Provincial Assembly of Sindh, Karachi for perusal and further necessary action.





Karachi, Dated: 6th March, 2025


Date21st February 2025
VenueAuditorium of Provincial Assembly of Sindh
Chaired byMinister Education
ParticipantsList of participants is attached

                              The meeting started with recitation of the Holy Quran, and the chair welcomed all members. Thereafter, detailed progress updates in the form of presentation on different agendas were given by respective Heads of the Wings and highlighted the areas wherein districts were lagging behind and showed little progress. The following agenda items were discussed and decisions taken are mentioned against each for their implementation within given timelines:

i.             Discussion Recruitment Status (PST/JEST)

DiscussionDecisionResponsibilityTime Lines
Director HR apprise the chair about the recruitment status of PSTS and JESTS as the last date was 28th February and about the delay in conducting District Recruitment meetings which is being witnessed in few districts.The Chair directed that all districts should conduct District Selection Committee meetings to facilitate the induction of waiting candidates. Moreover, waiting period for candidates of PSTs and JESTS is being extended till 30-06-2024. The Directors shall ensure its compliance.All Directors /DEOsImmediate and continuing action required

ii.            Joining database status.

DiscussionDecisionResponsibilityTime Lines
Director HR apprised the chair about the status of database update in which some districts have shown slow progress which needs to be expeditedThe Chair directed that all districts should submit the joining database of all the joined candidates and clear the backlog within two weeks positively. The Directors shall ensure its compliance.All Directors /DEOsWithin 15 days

iii.           Book Bank Update / Distribution of Books Progress

DiscussionDecisionResponsibilityTime Lines
For the book distribution of new academic session, teachers and head masters shall sensitize the students about the submission of old books which may be deposited in book bank to avoid any shortage of books for the new academic session.The chair directed to All Directors sensitize the teachers and students for submission of Chairman STBB old course books to book bank in order to get new course books for the upcoming academic session. Maximum book bank recovery will be appreciated and positively reflected in DEOS KPIs. However, the minimum benchmark is 50%. Each Director of its region will ensure that target is achieved. STBB will develop robust and efficient Books distribution mechanism to ensure swift delivery of books.All Directors   Chairman STBBBefore the start of new academic session

iv.           STR Progress.

DiscussionDecisionResponsibilityTime Lines
Special Secretary gave detailed presentation about status of STR implementation and impediments at the field level. He as well as worthy secretary and honorable Minister also emphasized the importance of STR and highlighted deficiencies while forwarding the STR Proposals in contravention of the defined STR policy. In one instance, proposal of a disabled teacher was forwarded by Director wherein he was proposed to be posted 50 kms away from his home in sheer violation of the policy which also affected the teacher.No single order to be issued without proper process. Directors should monitor their DEOS to ensure that no such illogical proposals are made. In case of negligence and non-compliance, disciplinary inquiry shall be initiated against the respective DEO. Taluka, with still high STR, need to have teachers and proposals should be developed based on the STR policy by DEOs. STR process is parallel to recruitment and by June 30, 2025.  All Directors /DEOsWithin 15 days

v.            Update on School census by name (RSU).

DiscussionDecisionResponsibilityTime Lines
Chief Program Manager Reform Support Unit informed that Chair that Honourable Chief Minister Sindh has already directed to carryout school census by name which may also be verified by NADRA. In this regard, a proforma has already been developed by RSU and communicated to all DEOS. However, the progress of gathering information is slow which needs to be expedited on priority basis. Honorable Minister highlighted the importance of this data and directed all the officers to ensure compliance.The Chair directed all DEOS are directed to get this exercise completed within 15 days positively and share with RSU so they can enter the data on portal to be presented before the Honourable Chief Minister SindhAll Directors DEOsWithin 15 days

vi.           Tree Plantation Status

DiscussionDecisionResponsibilityTime Lines
The Chair appreciated the efforts of Directors who have worked on this initiative and taken efforts in planting saplings in their respective regions.The Chair directed to plant more saplings and allow students to take part in the activity. Moreover, existing plants may be taken care of so that they thrive well.All Directors/ DEOSWithin 15 days

               vii.          Clustering Policy implementation.

DiscussionDecisionResponsibilityTime Lines
The clustering policy will play a pivotal role in all decision making processes for the School in all district before the Education Department. Various districts are lagging behind in full implementation of clusters.The chair directed to implement clustering policy in all district before the commencement of new academic sessionAll Directors /DEOs

viii.        Pending disciplinary proceedings forwarded by M&E Wing.

DiscussionDecisionResponsibilityTime Lines
Director General Monitoring and Evaluation – SELD shared a brief presentation about the pending decisions regarding the absconders and non-regular teachers. A total of 19,567 cases of disciplinary proceedings in the current year (2024-25) are pending on the part of Directors and DEOS and 4,590 cases from the last 5 years are pending which requires immediate action. Further, DG M&E highlighted the cases where imposed major penalty was converted into minor penalty after few days which is violation of E&D rules.The Chair directed to finalize all cases of disciplinary proceedings within a month and submit report after reconcile the cases with DG (M&E). Moreover, in case of violation of rules, Minister Education reprimanded the officials who issued such orders and directed to initiate fact finding enquiry and submit report within 15 days. Moreover, in the next meeting all DEOs should come along with progress of disposed off cases.All Directors/ DEOsWithin a month

ix.           Pending Court Matters

DiscussionDecisionResponsibilityTime Lines
The Law Wing has informed that parawise comments of 141 cases are pending, 14 cases are pending on part of Directors Schools Education and 127 cases are pending on District Education Officers Part. District DEO ESJS DEO Primary Total Sukkar 04 07 11 Khairpur 10 03 13 Ghotki 10 07 17 Naushro Feroze 09 05 14 Hyderabad 03 04 07 Dadu 07 0 07 Matiari 03 0 03 Badin 0 03 03 Larkana 11 12 23 Mirpurkhas 04 10 14 Tharparkar 0 05 05 Umerkot 0 03 03 Sanghar 05 0 05 Total 68 59 127 Furthermore, 36 Pension cases are pending in various benches of the Sindh High Court (Khi., 04, Hyd., 11, Sukkur, 03, Lrk., 18), Approved comments(31.01.2025) not filed by DEO (ES&HS) Jacobabad on (06.02.2025). The Court expressed displeasure over the failure to comply.   CP No.D-297/2022 21 Candidates below 40% marks were appointed under the disabled quota in the 07 Districts in violation of Court Orders dated 12.01.2023 & 26.01.2023. On 22.01.2025 the DSES were directed to withdraw the appointment orders immediately and submit compliance report.The Chair directed to all Directors/District Education DEOs Officers submit the para-wise comments before time in concern Courts and dispose off pending court cases within a month and submit report. All the offices shall dispose off the pending pensionery cases within 30 days.All the orders issued in violation of court orders and relevant rules shell be withdrawn immediatelyAll Directors/ DEOsWithin a month

2.            In view of the above discussion and decisions, the Chair directed all DEOS to carry out frequent school monitoring visits and share progress (pictures) on whatsapp official group. Moreover, Education Works should strictly monitor the M&R progress and work carried out by contractors and completed schools should immediately be handed over. Issues of LSU coordinators should be addressed by DEOs.

3.            The Chair showed displeasure over the DEOs who were absent in the meeting without intimation i.e. DEO west and DEO Secondary Ghotki and directed to issue explanation. Moreover, official directives and correspondence carried out through whatsapp official group shall be responded immediately. Next follow-up meeting will be held after one month to review the progress of the decisions taken

4.            All the concerned Directors and District Education Officers were directed by the Chair to take effective measures in implementing the decisions. Meeting ended with vote of thanks from and to the chair.


NO.SO(GA)/SE&LD/Minutes/2025                                                                                                                                                                   Karachi, dated the 06th March, 2025

Government of Sindh Issues Minutes of Education Meeting STR, Recruitment, and Policy Updates–Notification
Government of Sindh Issues Minutes of Education Meeting STR, Recruitment, and Policy Updates–Notification
Government of Sindh Issues Minutes of Education Meeting STR, Recruitment, and Policy Updates–Notification
Government of Sindh Issues Minutes of Education Meeting STR, Recruitment, and Policy Updates–Notification
Government of Sindh Issues Minutes of Education Meeting STR, Recruitment, and Policy Updates–Notification
Government of Sindh Issues Minutes of Education Meeting STR, Recruitment, and Policy Updates–Notification

Moving Towards a Stronger Education System in Sindh:

The directives issued during this high-level meeting highlight the Sindh government’s commitment to improving education quality, ensuring accountability, and streamlining administrative processes. From enhancing the recruitment process to strengthening the clustering policy and addressing pending legal matters, each decision plays a vital role in fostering a more efficient and student-friendly educational system.

With a strong focus on transparency, the government has also emphasized the importance of school monitoring, ensuring that each directive is implemented effectively across all districts. The Education Department has urged officials to take immediate action and submit progress reports within the given deadlines, ensuring no delays in delivering better educational services.

The next follow-up meeting is scheduled for next month, where the progress on these decisions will be reviewed. Stay tuned for further updates on education policies, teacher recruitment, and school reforms in Sindh.

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Picture of M Sohaib Alim

M Sohaib Alim

Senior article writter

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